Monday, August 9, 2010

Outfit of the 30th birthday

My-blog-reading friends, yesterday I turned 30. I dressed up and even did my hair! Like, with hairspray and other types of products! I put on makeup! These are things I really don't tend to do, but I figured what the hey, you only turn (the decidedly not young sounding anymore) 30 once!

Dress: Torrid, years ago. I just found it in my "giveaway/sell/modify" pile and fished it out. I'm so glad I did, I really like it. I think it may be an earlier version of Sonia's dress from the other day
Cardigan: target years back
shoes: Faryl Robin from 2008, size 11. The highest heels I own, probably 3"
purse: a b'day present (from me, to me) from unnamed leather bag shop in Leavenworth, WA.
locket: a b'day present (from husband)

Am I older than most of my readers? Perhaps. I still feel young though, even if one of my friends said that after 30, "you kind of no longer feel like the world is your oyster anymore".


Unknown said...

I just turned 29, so you are slightly older than I am. ;)

lyresvega said...

Thirty looks fabulous on you!

neffbot said...

Thanks Jennifer!

Anne - 29's a good age, I was just there :)

carly said...

happy belated birthday!

Sonia said...

Happy birthday! You look gorgeous, and I was just going to say that your dress looks exactly like mine. I'm glad you fished out of the giveaway pile, it looks great on you.

neffbot said...

Thanks Carly!

Sonia - isn't it crazy how alike the dresses are? Your post the other day totally inspired me to wear it (and I'm going to try it with a t-shirt next). Thanks!

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