Anyways, on to the goods:
Blue thick jersey elastic waisted skirt with pockets! $5
Paired with: white tank from target, cardigan from target, and a huge green bow that I made. I also got this same skirt in a pinky red, you saw it the other day.
Stretchy polyester mixed media dress, so comfy, and fits me perfectly: $10
Paired with: mustard cardigan from target. I will pick a different cardigan next time, I don't think this looks very good together.
And, the find of the day, for only $3:
Cotton ruffly dress with pockets:
AAAAHHH, right? So awesome. So comfy. So ruffly. And it's 100% cotton, a calico-ish material, so it will wear really well in the hotter months as well. For only three bucks, I couldn't even believe it. All I had to do was remove the elastic from the casings in the sleeve ends, because it was a little too tight. I plan on putting in slightly longer pieces of elastic but for now it looked fine without.
I paired it with a brooch that I found for $1 at a farmer's market, and a braided belt from Target. In the summer I'll wear it with some fake leather gladiator like sandals, for now it's the boots that I wear nearly every day :).
If you were thinking that thrift stores aren't for you because you'll never find anything that fits... I say go for it anyways. Go try stuff on. You'll be so amazed!
Also, Gabby over at Corazones Rojos put together a great video of her thrifting, it's definitely worth a watch if you're wondering how to get started with adding thrifted items to your wardrobe!